Tworzenie i integracja Matte Painting
Projekt końcowy kursu
Kurs prowadzi user87920 surname87920 , Digital Image Designers and Composers
Dodaj pomysłowe tło w ujęciu z serialu telewizyjnego
O projekcie końcowym kursu: Tworzenie i integracja Matte Painting
Creation and integration of a Matte Painting
“The time has come to review everything learned. We recommend that the best way to learn is to confront cases that you yourselves. We will help you whenever our daily activities allow us. It has been a real pleasure to share this time with you and see you through the forum. ”
Podsumowanie kursu: Tworzenie i integracja Matte Painting
Fotografia & Film -
Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premiere -
Kino, Film, Kino, film i telewizja, Matte painting, Postprodukcja audio-wideo, Telewizja
Kurs prowadzi user87920 surname87920
Sergio Rozas
He has been working in the audiovisual world since 1995. In his career he has worked as decoration assistant, photographer, storyboard artist, graphic designer, propmaker, atrezzista, matte painter, 3D texture, graphic designer, poster designer, editor, director of photography and director. casual, among other things.
He has worked in more than 75 movies, TV series or commercials. Founding partner of User T38 (in 2001), a company from which he is consolidating his plans for world dominance.
Passionate about cinema, soundtracks, comics and manga, cats, reading and photography.
He considers drawing as an obsession and travels whenever he can, especially to Japan. He detests potato omelette.
Joaquín Gutiérrez
Composer of digital image for almost a decade, he combines his work in front of the computer with the supervision in shooting and, less and less, the assembly.
He began his career distributing short films and developing film production for film and advertising.
In 2008 he landed in USER T38 and since then he has participated in practically all of his postproduction projects.
- 85% pozytywnych ocen (48)
- Liczba uczestników: 928
- 15 lekcji (2 h 53 min)
- Dodatkowe zasoby: 18 (liczba plików: 15)
- Online i we własnym tempie
- Dostępne w aplikacji
- Audio: Hiszpański
- Hiszpański · Angielski · Portugalski
- Poziom: Zaawansowany
- Dostęp nielimitowany na zawsze