-Animated short film "Cinco Murales",
The following animated experimental documentary shows the process of making 5 painted murals at the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana - Xochimilco, in building R, which houses the degree in Graphic Communication Design, during the months of February to April 2012. These Murals serve as a presentation of the workshops and areas whose walls were intervened, and were designed and made by the students of the Illustration area of said degree. Made exclusively from photographs, with pixilation techniques, stop motion with objects and 2D animation.
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Plus-Animated short film "Cinco Murales",
The following animated experimental documentary shows the process of making 5 painted murals at the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana - Xochimilco, in building R, which houses the degree in Graphic Communication Design, during the months of February to April 2012. These Murals serve as a presentation of the workshops and areas whose walls were intervened, and were designed and made by the students of the Illustration area of said degree. Made exclusively from photographs, with pixilation techniques, stop motion with objects and 2D animation.
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