Great course! I really enjoyed the free mark making. Any tips on what I could have done with the fence to better convey the sun was coming from behind?
Great work with your final project! I’m so glad to hear you enjoyed the course 😊
My favorite thing about your painting is the feeling of sunlight hitting the grass. Especially that light area toward the right, I think you really nailed that area and it feels very convincing!
As for your question about the fence, my suggestion would be to darken the fence a little bit, maybe even creating a slight gradient where the lower part of the fence is a little bit darker. However, I think you did the right thing by having the fence stay lighter than the tree. This created depth between the tree and fence. So, I think only slightly darkening the fence, and then adding a couple areas of lighter value in those cracks to really emphasize that bright light is shining through those areas. Its definitely a challenging lighting scenario!
1 comment
Teacher Plus@sophyjc
Great work with your final project! I’m so glad to hear you enjoyed the course 😊
My favorite thing about your painting is the feeling of sunlight hitting the grass. Especially that light area toward the right, I think you really nailed that area and it feels very convincing!
As for your question about the fence, my suggestion would be to darken the fence a little bit, maybe even creating a slight gradient where the lower part of the fence is a little bit darker. However, I think you did the right thing by having the fence stay lighter than the tree. This created depth between the tree and fence. So, I think only slightly darkening the fence, and then adding a couple areas of lighter value in those cracks to really emphasize that bright light is shining through those areas. Its definitely a challenging lighting scenario!
Thank you for sharing your work with us! 😊
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