user1923956 surname1923956
Hand-Drawn Digital Animation: Bring Illustrations to Life
Transform your unique drawings into playful motion graphics with Photoshop, After Effects, and Animate
A course by user1923956 surname1923956, Illustrator and Animator
Buy $0.99USDFREE WITH PLUS95% Disc.Original price $19.99USD -
Animated Transitions with 2D Illustration & After Effects
Create seamless and organic animated transitions from scratch by exploring color, shape, texture, pattern, and timing using both analog and digital techniques
A course by user1923956 surname1923956, Illustrator and Animator
Buy $0.99USDFREE WITH PLUS95% Disc.Original price $19.99USD
Professional listing
- user1923956 surname1923956 – @permalink1923956
- Illustrator, Animator
- Open to job opportunities, freelance
Joined January 2020