Cross-Platform App Development with Flutter

A course by user10137755 surname10137755 , Software Engineer

Software Engineer. Málaga, Spain.
Joined March 2022

Learn how to create mobile, web, and desktop apps from a single codebase and deliver custom solutions to users

93% positive reviews (61)
5,076 students
Audio: Spanish
Spanish, English, Portuguese, German, French, Italian, Polish, Dutch

Learn how to create mobile, web, and desktop apps from a single codebase and deliver custom solutions to users

Technology has the power to solve everyday problems, and José Manuel Márquez is here to teach you how to create apps that provide vital solutions. Software engineer and Flutter specialist José Manuel has shared his knowledge at countless tech events, and, in 2019, he cofounded Código Base, a company dedicated to app development.

In this online course, learn to create and develop your own cross-platform application to offer solutions to your users. Discover how to use Flutter, a Google framework kit that allows you to work with a single codebase in a quick, professional way.

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What will you learn in this online course?

27 lessons & 21 downloads

Introduction to Flutter
14 minutes, 0 seconds
Base Project Creation
9 minutes, 0 seconds
Stateless Widgets
12 minutes, 48 seconds
9 minutes, 57 seconds
Working with a Design
10 minutes, 3 seconds
  • 93% positive reviews (61)
  • 5,076 students
  • 27 lessons (4h 14m)
  • 21 additional resources (3 files)
  • Online and at your own pace
  • Available on the app
  • Audio: Spanish
  • Spanish, English, Portuguese, German, French, Italian, Polish, Dutch
  • Level: Beginner
  • Unlimited access forever

What is this course's project?

Develop your own app with Flutter to manage your daily tasks.

Projects by course students

Who is this online course for?

Anyone who wants to start developing cross-platform applications.

Requirements and materials

For this online course, you need a computer with Flutter installed and an access to a Figma account.


5,076 Students
61 Reviews
93% Positive ratings
  • More reviews

user10137755 surname10137755

José Manuel Márquez is a software engineer and app development specialist. In 2018, he was introduced to Flutter and, since then, has worked with this technology in Código Base, a company he founded a year later. He develops mobile apps for different clients who want to launch their product on the market.

Throughout his career, he has shared his knowledge on Flutter at technology events such as MorcillaConf, Tenerife TLP, and Codemotion, and has developed two open-source packages for calendar_timeline and time_range.


  • U1


    • About Me
    • Influences
  • U2

    UI Construction

    • Introduction to Flutter
    • Base Project Creation
    • Stateless Widgets
    • Assets
    • Working with a Design
    • Implementation of the Splash Page
  • U3


    • Stateful Widgets
    • Detect Gestures and Navigation
    • Refactor
    • Task List Page
    • Converting Task List Page to Stateful Widget
  • U4

    Storing Data

    • New Task
    • Text Field Controller
    • Handling State with setState
    • Plugins, Packages and Shared Preferences
    • Serialization and Deserialization
    • Persisting and Recovering Tasks in Shared Preferences
  • U5

    State Management

    • Application Status
    • Inherited Widgets
    • Provider
    • Add Provider to Task List Page
    • Add Provider to New Task Modal
  • U6

    An Extra

    • Add Launcher Icons
    • Compiling the App
    • Uploading to Stores
  • FP

    Final project

    • Cross-Platform App Development with Flutter

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Domestika's courses are online classes that provide you with the tools and skills you need to complete a specific project. Every step of the project combines video lessons with complementary instructional material, so you can learn by doing. Domestika's courses also allow you to share your own projects with the teacher and with other students, creating a dynamic course community.

All courses are 100% online, so once they're published, courses start and finish whenever you want. You set the pace of the class. You can go back to review what interests you most and skip what you already know, ask questions, answer questions, share your projects, and more.

The courses are divided into different units. Each one includes lessons, informational text, tasks, and practice exercises to help you carry out your project step by step, with additional complementary resources and downloads. You'll also have access to an exclusive forum where you can interact with the teacher and with other students, as well as share your work and your course project, creating a community around the course.

You can redeem the course you received by accessing the redeeming page and entering your gift code.

If you're a Plus member, when you complete a course you've purchased, you'll instantly get your personalized certificate. You can see all your certificates in the Certificates section of your profile. You can download your certificates as PDFs and share the link online. Learn more about certificates.
Cross-Platform App Development with Flutter. Web, and App Design course by user10137755 surname10137755

Cross-Platform App Development with Flutter

A course by user10137755 surname10137755
Software Engineer. Málaga, Spain.
Joined March 2022
  • 93% positive reviews (61)
  • 5,076 students