Paper Tailoring: Illustrating with Scissors

A course by user109600 surname109600 , Cut-and-Paste Illustrator

Cut-and-Paste Illustrator. Madrid, Spain.
Joined January 2014

Learn to illustrate an editorial article with the collage technique

96% positive reviews (346)
4,316 students
Audio: Spanish
Spanish, English, Portuguese, German, French, Italian, Polish, Dutch

Learn to illustrate an editorial article with the collage technique

With nothing but a pair of scissors and a bit of imagination, Sr. García teaches you how to make a collage to illustrate a magazine article. Discover how to tackle commissions and complete them quickly with various techniques. During your journey, learn to get results that have an aesthetic and communicative impact on the viewer. In addition, Sr. García teaches you how to work with raw material—paper—and shows you where to acquire great cut-out material and how get your hands on some simple tools: irony, surrealism, and a pile of old magazines. Welcome to Sr. Garcia's paper-tailor shop (keep in mind: a pencil and computer mouse are not allowed).

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What will you learn in this online course?

10 lessons & 11 downloads

The few tools that I need
6 minutes, 30 seconds
Search to find
4 minutes, 14 seconds
Illustration based on a keyword
6 minutes, 44 seconds
Illustration based on an image
7 minutes, 26 seconds
  • 96% positive reviews (346)
  • 4,316 students
  • 10 lessons (1h 6m)
  • 11 additional resources (5 files)
  • Online and at your own pace
  • Available on the app
  • Audio: Spanish
  • Spanish, English, Portuguese, German, French, Italian, Polish, Dutch
  • Level: Beginner
  • Unlimited access forever

Who is this online course for?

This course is for any illustrator, designer, or ordinary person who wants to exchange their pencils and computers for scissors, at least for a few hours.

Requirements and materials

Are you a good observer? Perfect. That is the base you need to make an impressive editorial collage. No prior knowledge is necessary for this course, just some very basic tools: scissors, a cutter, some adhesive, and, above all, a handful of old magazines.


4,316 Students
346 Reviews
96% Positive ratings

user109600 surname109600

Teacher Plus
Cut-and-Paste Illustrator

Sr. García is an illustrator, designer, and observer (but not a voyeur). He has published his work far and wide, including in El País Semanal, Esquire, Diario Sur, S Moda, Líbero, Público, and Ein Magazin Über Ortey Opzij, but he continues to look for ways to showcase his work. He has worked for advertising agencies and publishers such as SM. He is the founder of the Madrid Collage Society, one of his latest adventures with scissors and glue.


  • U1

    Why collage

    • Collage as a language
    • My favorite tailors
  • U2

    The drawers of a tailor: Tools and "raw material"

    • The few tools that I need
    • Raw material, magazines and paper
    • Search to find
  • U3

    Frac, sweater, tuxedo? We found out about the order

    • Illustration based on a keyword
    • Illustration based on an image
    • Illustration based on a long story
  • U4

    The last stitching

    • The retouching
    • Added to the seams
  • FP

    Final project

    • Paper tailoring: Illustrating with scissors

What to expect from a Domestika course

  • Learn at your own pace

    Enjoy learning from home without a set schedule and with an easy-to-follow method. You set your own pace.

  • Learn from the best professionals

    Learn valuable methods and techniques explained by top experts in the creative sector.

  • Meet expert teachers

    Each expert teaches what they do best, with clear guidelines, true passion, and professional insight in every lesson.

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  • Get front-row seats

    Videos of the highest quality, so you don't miss a single detail. With unlimited access, you can watch them as many times as you need to perfect your technique.

  • Share knowledge and ideas

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  • Connect with a global creative community

    The community is home to millions of people from around the world who are curious and passionate about exploring and expressing their creativity.

  • Watch professionally produced courses

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Domestika's courses are online classes that provide you with the tools and skills you need to complete a specific project. Every step of the project combines video lessons with complementary instructional material, so you can learn by doing. Domestika's courses also allow you to share your own projects with the teacher and with other students, creating a dynamic course community.

All courses are 100% online, so once they're published, courses start and finish whenever you want. You set the pace of the class. You can go back to review what interests you most and skip what you already know, ask questions, answer questions, share your projects, and more.

The courses are divided into different units. Each one includes lessons, informational text, tasks, and practice exercises to help you carry out your project step by step, with additional complementary resources and downloads. You'll also have access to an exclusive forum where you can interact with the teacher and with other students, as well as share your work and your course project, creating a community around the course.

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Paper Tailoring: Illustrating with Scissors. Illustration, and Craft course by user109600 surname109600

Paper Tailoring: Illustrating with Scissors

A course by user109600 surname109600
Cut-and-Paste Illustrator. Madrid, Spain.
Joined January 2014
  • 96% positive reviews (346)
  • 4,316 students