Huge pleasure to know that. Aureliano. That you have known how to squeeze every drop of the course.
About your project, I can only say WOW. Almost all possible problems in a painting can be solved from the drawing itself. And what a drawing!
The clear edges, a highly artificial resource, did wonders for your readability. Brave but confident.
Big regards!
@patriciobetteo What a shame to just read this message! I am grateful very grateful for your words Patricio and it only remains to tell you that I always have this course in mind and recommend it to everyone. Big hug from Argentina!
+2 Kommentare
Lehrkraft PlusHuge pleasure to know that. Aureliano. That you have known how to squeeze every drop of the course.
About your project, I can only say WOW. Almost all possible problems in a painting can be solved from the drawing itself. And what a drawing!
The clear edges, a highly artificial resource, did wonders for your readability. Brave but confident.
Big regards!
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@patriciobetteo What a shame to just read this message! I am grateful very grateful for your words Patricio and it only remains to tell you that I always have this course in mind and recommend it to everyone. Big hug from Argentina!
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